A belated Happy New Year's greeting to all of our Sympho supporters and fans. 2012 was an artistically fulfilling year, with events on both coasts (in NYC and California), but 2013 promises to be an even more exciting one. Artistic ideas are percolating. Sleeves have been rolled up. We have two concerts coming up in NYC -- a multimedia follow-up to "Green Lama" and a concert that explores the ideas of darkness in music and music in darkness -- not to mention an educational initiative that mentors young musicians while teaching them how to perform for children in pediatric intensive care units. The latter is a project near and dear to us, and we look forward to providing updates in the coming weeks. Finally, we have an exciting commission in San Francisco that we can't wait to share with you! Until the official press announcement, we have to keep it under wraps, but it's going to be quite the event, so stay tuned!
Happy Friday, and here's a little clip of something we've been listening to a lot recently:
It's not exactly "classical," but we like to mix things up a little!